Professor of Mathematical Physics
Politecnico di Milano
University of Belgrade, 1987
Caltech, 1991
Emeritus Professor of Mathematics,
McGill University, 2025
Dipartimento di Matematica
Politecnico di Milano
piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32
20133 Milano
Office: Edificio 14, Nave, piano 4, room 428
E-mail: vojkan.jaksic [at] polimi.it, vojkan.jaksic [at] icloud.com
Research Interest
Mathematical physics
Recent Publications
- Bruneau L., Jaksic V., Last Y., Pillet C-A.:
What is the absolutely continuous spectrum?, submitted,
- Benoist T., Bruneau L., Jaksic V., Panati A., Pillet C.-A.: Entropic Fluctuation Theorems for the Spin-Fermion Model,
submitted, pdf-file
- Benoist T., Bruneau L., Jaksic V., Panati A., Pillet C.-A.:
Entropic fluctuations in statistical mechanics II. Quantum dynamical systems,
submitted, pdf-file
- Benoist T., Bruneau L., Jaksic V., Panati A., Pillet C.-A.: On the thermodynamic limit of two-times measurement entropy production,
to appear in Rev. Math.Phys, pdf-file
- Benoist T., Bruneau L., Jaksic V., Panati A., Pillet C.-A.: A note on two-times measurement entropy production and modular theory,
Lett. Math. Phys., 114 (2024),32pdf-file
- Jaksic V., Pillet C.A., Tauber C.: A note on adiabatic time evolution and quasi-static processes in translation-invariant quantum systems,
Ann. H. Poincare, 25 (2024), 751-771 pdf-file
- Jaksic V., Pillet C.A., Tauber C.: Approach to equilibrium in translation-invariant quantum systems: some structural results,
Ann. H. Poincare, 25 (2024), 715-749
- Cristadoro G., Degli Esposti M., Jaksic V., Raquepas R.: On a waiting-time result of Kontoyiannis: mixing or decoupling?,
Stoch. Process. their Appl., 166 (2023),104222
- Cristadoro G., Degli Esposti M., Jaksic V., Raquepas R.: Recurrence times, waiting times and universal entropy production estimators,
Lett. Math. Phys., 113 (2023),19
- Cuneo, N., Benoist T., Jaksic V., Pillet C-A.:
On entropy production of repeated quantum measurements II.
J. Stat. Phys., 182 (2021), 1-71
- Jaksic V., Nersesyan V., Pillet C-A., Shirikyan A.:
Large deviations and entropy production in viscous fluid flows,
Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., 240 (2021), 1675-1725
- Jaksic V.:
Lectures on Entropy.I: Information-Theoretic Notions.
Bahns et al (Eds): Dynamical Methods in Open Quantum Systems, Tutorials, Schools and Workshops in the Mathematical Sciences, (2019), 141-268, Springer,
Cuneo N., Jaksic V., Pillet C-A, Shirikyan A.:
Large deviations and fluctuation theorem for selectively decoupled measures
on shift spaces,
Rev. Math. Phys., 31 (2019), 1950036,
Cuneo N., Jaksic V., Pillet C-A, Shirikyan A.: Fluctuation theorem and thermodynamic
- Jaksic V., Nersesyan V., Pillet C-A., Shirikyan A.:
Large deviations and mixing for dissipative
PDE's with unbounded random kicks,
Nonlinearity, 31 (2018), 540-596
- Benoist T., Jaksic V., Pautrat Y., Pillet C-A.:
On entropy production of repeated quantum measurements I.
General theory,
Comm. Math. Phys. 357 (2018), 77-123