Vojkan Jaksic's complete list of publications


[1] Jaksic V., Molchanov S., Simon B.: Eigenvalue asymptotics of the Neumann Laplacian on regions and manifolds with cusps, J. Func. Anal. 106 (1992), 59-79

[2] Jaksic V., Segert J.: Exponential approach to the adiabatic limit and the Landau-Zener formula, Rev. Math. Phys. 4 (1992), 529-574

[3] Jaksic V., Segert J.: On the Landau-Zener formula for two level systems, J. Math. Phys. 33 (1993), 2807-2820

[4] Jaksic V.: On the spectrum of the Neumann Laplacian of long range horns: a note on the Davies-Simon Theorem, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc 119 (1993), 663-669

[5] Gordon Y., Jaksic V., Molchanov S., Simon B.: Spectral properties of random Schrodinger operators with unbounded potentials, Comm. Math. Phys. 157 (1993), 23-50

[6] Jaksic V., Jung K., Klein M., Seiler R.: Corrections to quantized charged transport in quantum Hall systems, Algebra i Analiz 6 (1994), 264-272

[7] Jaksic V., Pillet C-A.: On a model for quantum friction I. Fermi's golden rule and dynamics at zero temperature, Ann. Inst. H. Poincare Phys. Theor. 62 (1995), 47-68

[8] Jaksic V., Pillet C-A.: On a model for quantum friction II. Fermi's golden rule and dynamics at positive temperature, Comm. Math. Phys. 176 (1996), 619-644, ps-file, pdf-file

[9] Jaksic V., Pillet C-A.: On a model for quantum friction III. Ergodic properties of the spin-boson system, Comm. Math. Phys. 178 (1996), 627-651, ps-file, pdf-file

[10] Jaksic V., Pillet C.-A.: Ergodic properties of the non-Markovian Langevin equation, Lett. Math. Phys. 41 (1997), 1757-1780, ps-file, pdf-file

[11] Jaksic V., Pillet C-A.: Spectral theory of thermal relaxation, J. Math. Phys. 38 (1997), 1757-1780, ps-file, pdf-file

[12] Jaksic V., Pillet C.-A.: From resonances to master equations, Ann. Inst. H. Poincare Phys. Theor. 67 (1997), 425-445, ps-file, pdf-file

[13] Jaksic V., Molchanov S.: On the spectrum of the surface Maryland model, Lett. Math. Phys. 45 (1998), 189-193, ps-file, pdf-file

[14] Jaksic V., Molchanov S.: On the surface spectrum in dimension two, Helv. Phys. Acta 71 (1998), 629-657, ps-file, pdf-file

[15] Jaksic V., Pillet C.-A.: Ergodic properties of classical dissipative systems, Acta Math. 181 (1998), 245-282, ps-file, pdf-file

[16] Jaksic V., Molchanov S.: Localization for one-dimensional long range random Hamiltonians, Rev. Math. Phys. 11 (1999), 103-135, ps-file, pdf-file

[17] Jaksic V., Molchanov S.: Localization of surface spectra, Comm. Math. Phys. 208 (1999), 153-172, ps-file, pdf-file

[18] Jaksic V., Last Y.: Spectral structure of Anderson type Hamiltonians, Invent. Math. 141 (2000), 561-577, ps-file, pdf-file

[19] Jaksic V., Molchanov S.: A note on the regularity of solutions of linear homological equations, Appl. Anal. 75 (2000), 371-377, ps-file, pdf-file

[20] Jaksic V., Last Y.: Corrugated surfaces and a.c. spectrum, Rev. Math. Phys. 12 (2000), 1465-1503, ps-file, pdf-file

[21] Jaksic V., Molchanov S.: Wave operators for the surface Maryland model, J. Math. Phys. 12 (2000), 4452-4463, ps-file, pdf-file

[22] Derezinski J., Jaksic V.: Spectral theory of Pauli-Fierz operators, J. Func. Anal. 180 (2001), 243-327, ps-file, pdf-file

[23] Jaksic V., Pillet C-A.: On entropy production in quantum statistical mechanics, Comm. Math. Phys. 217 (2001), 285-293, ps-file, pdf-file

[24] Jaksic V., Last Y.: Surface states and spectra, Comm. Math. Phys. 218 (2001), 459-477, ps-file, pdf-file

[25] Jaksic V., Pillet C.-A.: A note on eigenvalues of Liouvilleans, J. Stat. Phys. 218 (2001), 937-941, ps-file, pdf-file

[26] Jaksic V., Pillet C-A.: Non-equilibrium steady states of finite quantum systems coupled to thermal reservoirs, Comm. Math. Phys. 226 (2002), 131-162, ps-file, pdf-file

[27] Jaksic V., Pillet C.-A.: Mathematical theory of non-equilibrium quantum statistical mechanics, J. Stat. Phys. 108 (2002), 787-829, ps-file, pdf-file

[28] Jaksic V., Pillet C.-A.: A note on the entropy production formula, Contemp. Math. 327 (2003), 175-180, ps-file, pdf-file

[29] Derezinski J., Jaksic V., Pillet C.-A.: Perturbation theory of W*-dynamics, Liouvilleans and KMS-states, Rev. Math. Phys. 15 (2003), 447-489, ps-file, pdf-file

[30] Derezinski J., Jaksic V.: Return to equilibrium for Pauli-Fierz systems, Ann. Henri Poincare 4 (2003), 739-793, ps-file, pdf-file

[31] Jaksic V., Last Y.: Scattering from subspace potentials for Schrodinger operators on graphs, Markov Processes and Related Fields 9 (2003), 661-674, ps-file, pdf-file

[32] Derezinski J., Jaksic V.: On the nature of Fermi Golden Rule for open quantum systems, J. Stat. Phys. 116 (2004), 411-423, ps-file, pdf-file

[33] Jaksic V., Last Y.: A new proof of Poltoratskii's theorem, J. Func. Anal. 15 (2004), 103-110, ps-file, pdf-file

[34] Jaksic V., Last Y.: Simplicity of singular spectrum in Anderson type Hamiltonians, Duke Math. J. 133 (2006), 185-204 ps-file, pdf-file

[35] Jaksic V.: Topics in spectral theory. Open Quantum Systems I. The Hamiltonian Approach. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1880 (2006), 235-312, Springer, ps-f\ ile, pdf-file

[36] Aschbacher W., Jaksic V., Pautrat Y., Pillet C.-A.: Introduction to non-equilibrium quantum statistical mechanics. Open Quantum System III. Recent Developments. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1882 (2006), 1-66, Springer, ps-file, pdf-file

[37] Jaksic V., Kritchevski E., Pillet C.-A.: Mathematical theory of the Wigner-Weisskopf atom. Large Coulomb Systems. Lecture Notes on Mathematical Aspects of QED. Lecture Notes in Physics, 695 (2006), 147-218, Springer, pdf-file

[38] Jaksic V., Ogata Y., Pillet C.-A.: The Green-Kubo formula and the Onsager reciprocity relations in quantum statistical mechanics, Comm. Math. Phys. 265 (2006), 721, ps-file, pdf-file

[39] Jaksic V., Ogata Y., Pillet C.-A.: Linear response theory for thermally driven quantum open systems, J. Stat. Phys. 123 (2006), 547, pdf-file

[40] Jaksic V., Ogata Y., Pillet C.-A.: The Green-Kubo formula for the spin-fermion system, Comm. Math. Phys., 268 (2006), 369-401 ps-file, pdf-file

[41] Jaksic V., Ogata Y., Pillet C.-A.: The Green-Kubo formula for locally interacting open fermionic systems, Ann. Henri Poincare, 8 , 1013-1036 pdf-file

[42] Aschbacher W., Jaksic V., Pautrat Y., Pillet C.-A.: Transport properties of quasi-free Fermions, J. Math. Phys., 48 (2007), 032101-032129 pdf-file

[43] Jaksic V., Pillet C.-A.: On the strict positivity of entropy production, Contemporary Mathematics, 447 (2007), 153-163 pdf-file

[44] Jaksic V., Pautrat Y., Pillet C.-A.: Central limit theorem for locally interacting Fermi gas, Comm. Math. Phys., 285 (2009), 175-217 pdf-file

[45] Jaksic V., Poulin P.: Scattering from sparse potentials: a deterministic approach, Analysis and Mathematical Physics. Trends in Mathematics. (2009), 205-210 pdf-file

[46] Jaksic V., Pautrat Y., Pillet C.-A.: A non-commutative Levy-Cramer theorem, Markov Process. Related Fields, 16 (2010), 59-78 pdf-file

[47] Jaksic V., Pillet C.-A.: NESS in quantum statistical mechanics. Where are we after 10 years, January 2011 IAMP News Bulletin, 17-24 pdf-file

[48] Jaksic V., Pautrat Y., Pillet C.-A.: A quantum central limit theorem for sums of IID random variables, J. Math. Phys. 51 (2010), 01528 pdf-file

[49] Jaksic V., Pillet C.-A, Rey-Bellet, L.: Entropic fluctuations in statistical mechanics I. Classical dynamical systems, Nonlinearity , 24 (2011), 699-763 pdf-file

[50] Jaksic V., Ogata, Y., Pautrat Y., Pillet C.-A.: Entropic fluctuations in quantum statistical mechanics. An Introduction, Quantum Theory from Small to Large Scales: Lecture Notes of the Les Houches Summer School: Volume 95, August 2010 , Oxford University Press, USA (2012), 213-410 pdf-file

[51] Jaksic V., Ogata Y., Pillet C.-A., Seiringer, R.: Hypothesis testing and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, Rev. Math. Phys., 24 (6), (2012), 1-67 pdf-file

[52] Bruneau L., Jaksic V., Pillet C.-A.: Landauer-Buttiker formula and Schrodinger conjecture, Comm. Math. Phys., 319 (2) (2013), 501-513 pdf-file

[53] Grech P., Jaksic V., Westrich M.: The spectral structure of the electronic black box hamiltonian, Lett. Math. Phys., 103 (10) (2013), 1135-1147 pdf-file

[54] Jaksic V., B. Landon, Pillet C.-A.: Entropic fluctuations in XY chains and reflectionless Jacobi matrices, Annales Henri Poincare, 14 (7) 2013, 1775-1800 pdf-file

[55] Jaksic V., Pillet C-A., Westrich M.: Entropic fluctuations of quantum dynamical semigroups, J. Stat. Phys., 154 (1) (2014), 153-187 pdf-file

[56] Jaksic V., Landon B., Panati A.: A note on the notion of reflectionless for Jacobi matrices, Comm. Math. Phys., 332 (2014), 827-838 pdf-file

[57] Jaksic V., Pillet C-A.: A note on the Landauer principle in quantum statistical mechanics, J. Math. Phys., 55 (2) (2014), 75210-75210:21 pdf-file

[58] Jaksic V., Nersesyan V., Pillet C-A., Shirikyan A.: Large deviations and Gallavotti Cohen principle for dissipative PDE's with rough noise, Comm. Math. Phys., 336 (2015), 131-170 pdf-file

[59] Bruneau L., Jaksic V., Last Y., Pillet C.-A.: Landauer-Butttiker and Thouless conductance, Comm. Math. Phys., 338 (2015), 347-366 pdf-file

[60] Jaksic V., Panangaden J., Panati A., Pillet C.-A.: Energy conservation, counting statistics, and return to equilibrium, Lett. Math. Phys., 105 (7) (2015), 917-938 pdf-file

[61] Benoist T., Jaksic V., Panati A., Pautrat Y., Pillet C-A.: Full statistics of energy conservation in two times measurement protocols, Phys. Rev. E, 92 (2015), 032115 pdf-file

[62] Jaksic V., Nersesyan V., Pillet C-A., Shirikyan A.: Large deviations from a stationary measure for a class of dissipative PDE's with random kicks, Comm. Pure Appl. Math., 68 (12) (2015), 2108-2143 pdf-file

[63] Bruneau L., Jaksic V., Last Y., Pillet C-A.: Crystaline conductance and absolutely continuous spectrum of 1D samples, Lett. Math. Phys., 106 (2016), 787-797 pdf-file

[64] Bruneau L., Jaksic V., Last Y., Pillet C-A.: Conductance and absolutely continuous spectrum of 1D samples, Commun. Math. Phys., 344 (3) (2016), 959-981 pdf-file

[65] Benedikter N., Jaksic V., Porta M., Saffirio C., Schlein B.: Mean-field evolution of fermionic mixed states, Comm. Pure Appl. Math., 69 (2016), 2250-2303 pdf-file

[66] Jaksic V., Pillet C-A., Shirikyan A.: Entropic Fluctuations in Gaussian Dynamical Systems, Rep. Math. Phys., 77 (2016), 335-376 pdf-file

[67] Jaksic V., Pillet C-A., Shirikyan A.: Entropic fluctuations in thermally driven harmonic networks, J. Stat. Phys., 166 (2017), 926-1015 pdf-file

[68] Benoist T., Fraas M., Jaksic V., Pillet C-A.: Full statistics of erasure processes: Isothermal adiabatic theory and a statistical Landauer principle, Revue Roumaine Math. Pures. Appl., Editura Academiei Romane,\ 62 (2017), 259-286 pdf-file

[69] Benoist T., Jaksic V., Pillet C-A.: Energy statistics in open harmonic networks, J. Stat. Phys., 168 (2017), 1016-1030 pdf-file

[70] Benoist T., Jaksic V., Pautrat Y., Pillet C-A.: On entropy production of repeated quantum measurements I. General theory, Comm. Math. Phys. 357 (2018), 77-123 pdf-file

[71] Jaksic V., Nersesyan V., Pillet C-A., Shirikyan A.: Large deviations and mixing for dissipative PDE's with unbounded random kicks, Nonlinearity, 31 (2018), 540-596 pdf-file

[72] Cuneo N., Jaksic V., Pillet C-A, Shirikyan A.: Fluctuation theorem and thermodynamic formalism, unpublished, pdf-file

[73] Cuneo N., Jaksic V., Pillet C-A, Shirikyan A.: Large deviations and fluctuation theorem for selectively decoupled measures on shift spaces, Rev. Math. Phys., 31 (2019), 1950036, pdf-file

[74] Jaksic V.: Lectures on Entropy.I: Information-Theoretic Notions. Bahns et al (Eds): Dynamical Methods in Open Quantum Systems, Tutorials, Schools and\ Workshops in \ the Mathematical Sciences, (2019), 141-268, Springer, pdf-file

[75] Jaksic V., Nersesyan V., Pillet C-A., Shirikyan A.: Large deviations and entropy production in viscous fluid flows, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., 240 (2021), 1675-1725 pdf-file

[76] Cuneo, N., Benoist T., Jaksic V., Pillet C-A.: On entropy production of repeated quantum measurements II. Examples, J. Stat. Phys., 182 (2021), 1-71 pdf-file

[77] Cristadoro G., Degli Esposti M., Jaksic V., Raquepas R.: Recurrence times, waiting times and universal entropy production estimators, Lett. Math. Phys., 113, (2023), 19 pdf-file

[78] Cristadoro G., Degli Esposti M., Jaksic V., Raquepas R.: On a waiting-time result of Kontoyiannis: mixing or decoupling?, Stoch. Process. their Appl., 166 (2023), 104222 pdf-file

[79] Jaksic V., Pillet C.A., Tauber C.: Approach to equilibrium in translation-invariant quantum systems: some structural results, Ann. H. Poincare, 25 (2024), 715-749 pdf-file

[80] Jaksic V., Pillet C.A., Tauber C.: A note on adiabatic time evolution and quasi-static processes in translation-invariant quantum systems, Ann. H. Poincare, 25 (2024), 751-771 pdf-file

[81] Benoist T., Bruneau L., Jaksic V., Panati A., Pillet C.-A.: A note on two-times measurement entropy production and modular theory, Lett. Math. Phys., 114 (2024),32 pdf-file

[82] Benoist T., Brunau L., Jaksic V., Panati A., Pillet C.-A.: On the thermodynamic limit of two-times measurement entropy production, to appear in Rev. Math. Phys., pdf-file

[83] Benoist T., Bruneau L., Jaksic V., Panati A., Pillet C.-A.: Entropic fluctuations in statistical mechanics II. Quantum dynamical systems, submitted, pdf-file

[84] Benoist T., Bruneau L., Jaksic V., Panati A., Pillet C.-A.: Entropic Fluctuation Theorems for the Spin-Fermion Model, submitted, pdf-file

[85] Bruneau L., Jaksic V., Last Y., Pillet C-A.: What is the absolutely continuous spectrum?, submitted pdf-file

Conference proceedings

[i] Jaksic V., Segert J.: On the adiabatic limit, Landau-Zener formula, and the geometry of isospectral Hamiltonians, Rigorous results in quantum dynamics (Liblice, 1990), 191-194, World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, N.J. , 1991

[ii] Jaksic V., Molchanov S., Pastur L.: On the propagation properties of surface waves, Wave propagation in complex media (Minneapolis, MN, 1994), 143-154, IMA Vol. Math. Appl., 96, Springer, New York, 1998, ps-file, pdf-file

[iii] Jaksic V., Pillet C.-A.: Spectral theory of thermal relaxation (towards Liouvillean spectroscopy), XIIIth International Congress of Mathematical Physics (ICMP '97)(Brisbane), 357-363, Internat. Press, Cambridge, MA, , 1999.

[iv] Jaksic V.: Spectral theory of corrugated surfaces, Journees Equations aux Derivees Partielles 2001 , Plestin-les-greves, Groupement de Recherche 1151 du CNRS, X1-X13, ps-file, pdf-file

[v] Jaksic V., Pillet C.-A.: Entropic functionals in quantum statistical mechanics, International Congress of Mathematical Physics (ICMP '12)(Aalborg) 336-343, World Scientific, Singapore, 2013 pdf-file

Lecture notes

Advanced probability

Spectral theory of Anderson type Hamiltonians